SCD Hub Forum

Greg WillsonAbout 1 mincommunications, SCD Hub Forum, Mastodondiscord, mastodon, reddit, telegram

SCD Hub Discussion Threads

The work of SCD Hub requires regular communication and development of trust.

With no sense of illusion to the historical hierarchies and tribal relationhips which shape and contour 'energy flow' in the 'local context'..

colonizing forces may be .. however.. (still active today) in various modern forms. What is truly healthy for our ecosystemss? simple answer

  • limitation of the effects of development which distrupt the successful outcome of local and seasonal migrant animals, insects, fowl, and other wildlife.
  • self evaluation and taking time to learn more about local context, listening for context, making sure basic needs can be met for people choosing to be in workshop setting.
  • publish curriculum for eco clubs, tree nursery care, school mapping of local natural resources and waste management systems.

keep in mind. A a volunteer, you are essentially a worker in a foreign country, remotely, by request i preume. How you involve yourself internationally is a matter of your own heart.

As a volunteer or to develop programs where scd hub can provide data acquisition tools useful toward assisting project participants with essentially a simple checkin button with optional photo/video file reference compiling to an associated report and one time useable biodiversity credit token.

checkin mentrics and downloadable reports in the form of ipfs metadata generated report templates.

for a community model which has c

Critical review is the core of SCD Hub's educational focus.

Discussing issues in order to understand the context of communites where we work is everything.

Please feel comfortable to become a part of our community by discussion how we may balance ecological, human, and societal forces.

. A play has been created and produce by Konza theater youth about this. ( video )

SCD Hub proud to be working with Eco Club groups in Kenya's Konza Taking action by mapping, creating compost, protecting local songbirds, building pollinator gardens, organizing as 'bee safe neighborhoods' where no systemic or neonic peticides are used to protect bees, butterflies, water quality, ecosystem resilience.

SCD Hub Eco Ops Mastodonopen in new window

SCD Hub Whatsapp Based Webmaster Trainingopen in new window