Handpumped Drinking Water Procurement

Greg WillsonAbout 2 min

Common Use Cases for Handpumped Drinking Water Procurement

Handpumped drinking water procurement is commonly used in rural and remote areas where access to electricity and other infrastructure is limited. This method of water procurement provides a reliable source of safe drinking water for communities where other methods of water supply are unavailable.

Maintenance Procedures

  • Regular cleaning of the pump components is important to prevent contamination and clogging.
  • The pump should be drained and stored properly during winter months to prevent damage.
  • The pump handle should be lubricated regularly to ensure smooth operation.
  • It is recommended to have a skilled technician inspect the pump every 2-3 years to ensure it is in proper working order.

Site Selection Criteria

When selecting a site for a handpump, the following factors should be considered:

  • Accessibility: The pump should be located in a convenient location that is easily accessible to the community.
  • Water source: The pump should be located close to a source of safe drinking water.
  • Soil type: The pump should be installed in soil that is stable and not prone to shifting or settling.

Types of Handpumps

There are several types of handpumps commonly used for drinking water procurement:

  • Afridev: This type of handpump is commonly used in Africa and is a low-cost option for communities in rural areas.
  • India Mark II: This type of handpump is commonly used in India and is a durable option for communities in rural areas.
  • Rope pump: This type of handpump uses a rope and pulley system to transfer water from a well to the surface.

Advantages of Handpumps

  • Low cost: Handpumps are a low-cost option for communities in rural areas where other methods of water supply are unavailable.
  • Durable: Handpumps are durable and require minimal maintenance, making them a reliable source of water for communities in rural areas.
  • Community involvement: Handpumps often require community involvement in their installation and maintenance, promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Disadvantages of Handpumps

  • Physical effort: Handpumps require manual effort to operate, making them less accessible for people with disabilities or for communities in areas with high water demand.
  • Limited water volume: Handpumps are limited in their water-delivery capacity, making them less suitable for communities with high water demand.

Cost Comparison

The cost of handpumps varies depending on the type and size of the pump, as well as the materials used in its construction. In general, handpumps are much less expensive than motorized pumps and other water supply options. However, the cost of installation and maintenance should also be considered when evaluating the overall cost of a handpump.